Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Monkeys, Dogs, and Other Naturally Naked Animals

chimpanzee without hair

They sometimes, so to speak, ‘walk’ on branches using a hand or both hands for support. Gibbons actually walk or run on branches in jungles or walk or hop on a tightrope in the zoo. Japanese macaques sometimes show upright walking to carry food such as sweet potatoes, which is washed using both hands.

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Why Humans Lost Their Hair and Became Naked and Sweaty - DISCOVER Magazine

Why Humans Lost Their Hair and Became Naked and Sweaty.

Posted: Thu, 17 Jan 2019 08:00:00 GMT [source]

As chimpanzees permanently leave harmful captive situations in the U.S., NAPSA is proud to seek solutions to better ensure their welfare. The researchers plan to build on their findings by looking at the pattern of gene expression in individual chimpanzee hairs. This will help determine whether changes are taking place at the genetic level that match changes the eye can see. They often strip a branch of its leaves and then dip it in an ant or termite hill to get the insects inside. When water is scarce, chimps chew leaves so they are soft and sponge-like—this allows them to then soak up rainwater inside of tree holes. An alternative hypothesis may be that getting beards and hair instead of fur occurred 4–5 million years ago, when early hominids were still living on the trees and had not yet developed stone tools.


Skin-to-skin contact without intervening fur might have let the pair feel deeper contact. Cooperative maintenance of a family by its members must have been necessary. They frequently stretch their bodies in trees to reach for food such as fruits and young shoots. They hold large pieces of fruit with both hands and eat them although sitting on a branch or cliff or on the ground.

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chimpanzee without hair

When CLCA lost their hair because of a hairless mutation, a female had to hold her baby with both hands in an upright posture. In doing so, she devoted her attention persistently to the baby, strengthening mother–baby bonding. She found difficulty in being suspended from branches, climbing trees, reaching high canopies to get fruits and nuts, and so on. She lived in a woodland area with patches of forest, which would prevent her from easy movement from tree to tree or canopy to canopy. The mother and baby would have starved to death if the partner male did not collect food and carry it with his hands to her.

These 15 Animals Without Hair Are Barely Recognizable

When its close relative the bonobo was more commonly known as the pygmy chimpanzee, this species was often called the common chimpanzee or the robust chimpanzee. The chimpanzee and the bonobo are the only species in the genus Pan. Evidence from fossils and DNA sequencing shows that Pan is a sister taxon to the human lineage and is thus humans' closest living relative. The chimpanzee is covered in coarse black hair, but has a bare face, fingers, toes, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. It is larger and more robust than the bonobo, weighing 40–70 kg (88–154 lb) for males and 27–50 kg (60–110 lb) for females and standing 150 cm (4 ft 11 in).


However, the lack of hair on a hairless chimpanzee’s body can make grooming more challenging, as their skin is more sensitive and prone to injury. Additionally, hairless chimpanzees may require more grooming from their group mates to compensate for the lack of insulation that fur provides, creating different social dynamics within the group. Hairless chimpanzees are a rare sub-species, and their vulnerability to environmental factors may make them more susceptible to extinction.

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chimpanzee without hair

While most chimpanzees have fur covering their bodies, a rare genetic mutation can result in hairlessness in these primates. This unique physical trait can significantly impact their behavior and social dynamics within their groups and interactions with other chimpanzees. In this article, we will explore the impact of hairlessness on chimpanzee behavior and social dynamics, including the potential effects on grooming, social status, and reproduction. Hairless chimpanzees are a unique and scientifically fascinating sub-species of chimpanzees. By studying the causes and implications of hairlessness in chimpanzees, we can gain valuable insights into the genetic and environmental factors that influence the evolution of all primates.

Hairless Penguin

He also suggested that hairlessness might have made our ancestors more sexually attractive to each other. These ideas could co-exist quite happily with the notion that the need to avoid the bites of parasites helped to drive the evolution of the semi-naked ape. These mammals might sometimes develop a parasitic infestation (mange or fungal infection) that causes their hair to fall out. Hairless chimpanzees may be more vulnerable to disease than their haired counterparts, as they lack the protective layer of fur that can help prevent disease transmission.


Furry animals can lose their fur for a number of reasons, such as natural processes (seasonality or aging), biological dysfunctions (nutrient imbalance), genetic mutations, diseases, or parasitic infestations. In some cases, some species are specifically bred to be hairless. A report in the journal Comparative Medicine says that little is known about hair loss in captive non-human primates because it’s typically thought of as stress-related. According to the report, assessing individual cases for underlying medical causes and monitoring the animal’s behavior are ultimately the best ways to treat it. Certain types of captive or domesticated animals are also susceptible to losing their hair.

Soon after birth, the baby learns to cling to its mother’s underside. Later it transfers to her back and uses this piggyback style of riding for the next seven months or so. A young chimp gets milk from its mother until it is about three years old. It can begin walking on its own at about age four but continues to stay with Mom for a few more years, learning all the skills needed to survive. A mother chimp develops a close bond with her young that may last a lifetime.

How Jane Goodall Changed What We Know About Chimps - National Geographic

How Jane Goodall Changed What We Know About Chimps.

Posted: Wed, 17 Feb 2021 15:17:36 GMT [source]

As such, the study of hairless chimpanzees has important conservation implications. Despite their unusual appearance, hairless chimpanzees behave similarly to other chimpanzees. They are social animals that live in large groups and exhibit complex social hierarchies. They communicate with each other through vocalizations, body language, and facial expressions, and they are known to be highly intelligent and adaptable. This touching footage captures Jambo, a hairless chimpanzee, being affectionate with his female mate at Twycross Zoo in England. They caress each other’s feet and kiss each other’s bald heads, which is a rare and adorable sight.

Orangutans, so-called men of the forest, can walk upright in the trees of jungles or skywalk in zoos (Fig. 1A) as can chimpanzees (Fig. 1B). Not only arboreal primates but also terrestrial ones such as baboons are not obligate quadrupeds; they pick up food using a hand and eat it in a sitting posture on the ground or on a cliff. Consequently, a hairless mutation was likely to have forced human ancestors to become facultative bipeds from partial bipeds. The idea that ‘emergent hominids were predisposed to terrestrial bipedalism by a heritage of bipedal and other orthograde positional behavior in trees (Tuttle 1975)’ must be correct. A single hairless mutation could compatibly and inseparably explain three major characteristics that distinguish humans from other primates, bipedality, practical nakedness, and the family as a social unit. In ED, a semidominant single mutation is known to induce hairless animals with scalp hair.

A hairless mutation must have played a crucial role in the process of humanization from a human–ape common ancestor. Fur protects hairy animals from strong sunlight and from UV in particular. Furthermore, it is useful to keep their bodies warm in cool ambient temperatures, which is not rare even in savannahs. It must also be useful to protect their naked skins, which are vulnerable to injury.

And you must know your local exotic pet laws, which might prohibit ownership even if your state allows it. Integrating Henry into the chimpanzee population at Chimp Haven took months. The fact that Henry had never socialized with other chimpanzees meant that he had to be slowly introduced to other chimps. Having been socialized by humans, Henry did not know how to act like a chimpanzee. There has been little previous research on pigmentation loss in chimpanzees or any wild mammals, Dr. Bradley said. Most existing research on human graying is oriented around the cosmetic industry and clinical dermatology.

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